We provide 100% FREE service as data splitting to any district of India for RSBY implementation. The splitted data will help full to import in enrollment software. The splitted data was an panchayat wise mdb file which splitted from suitable data; downloaded from http://rsby.gov.in . We provide single rar file for every block based on priority.
Kindly give me a chance to utilize my free time for RSBY, made me as participator of each and every districts of India and to prove me as .
Note: Splitted data may share with you through this Blog or by mail. Please drop a mail with Policy No, Scheme code, Insurance Company Name, Insurance Company Code and so on.
For our other services, Please click on older post in down.
Kindly give me a chance to utilize my free time for RSBY, made me as participator of each and every districts of India and to prove me as .
Note: Splitted data may share with you through this Blog or by mail. Please drop a mail with Policy No, Scheme code, Insurance Company Name, Insurance Company Code and so on.
For our other services, Please click on older post in down.